Providence Organic Farm
USDA Certified Organic
Providence Organic Farm is owned and operated by Ryan and Andrea Romeyn. After completing a comprehensive, hands-on sustainable agriculture college program in North Carolina, Ryan has been farming and operating a CSA since 2002, continuing his education over the past 14 years in a variety of hands-on, real life experimentation, on-going research, and yearly agriculture conferences to learn from intensive seminars in many areas of agriculture, from plant & soil biology to food safety.
Ryan and I are committed to enriching the LIVING soil on our farm. We are known for unusually delicious vegetables, regardless of variety, because of this. Optimal growing conditions means less pests and disease pressure as well. We use organic soil amendments and pest control, crop rotation and cover cropping. We annually test our soils using and amend according to recommendations from a biologically-based company. Compost is our primary ingredient, with attention being paid to trace minerals. Ongoing education is a priority as our collective (organic / sustainable farming community) knowledge increases. Our organic certifying agent is Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association, also known as OEFFA.