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Fridge Scapes

A solution to too many garlic scapes: preserve them for later use.

Source: adapted from a recipe at (Entered by Pat Whetham)
Serves: up to you

1 part vinegar      View Available Products
1 part filtered water
1 TBS sea salt
garlic scapes      View Available Products
red pepper flakes
basil leaves

Step by Step Instructions
  1. Decide what size jar to make (pint?, quart?) Measure "parts" of vinegar and water accordingly (to make 1 qt jar use 1 1/2 cup of each)
  2. Bring the vinegar, water and salt to a boil to make the brine.
  3. Stuff your jar - seasonings first (these can be varies according to your taste. It's okay to use dill seed or pickling spice) then as many scapes as you can fit in the jar.
  4. Pour boiling brine over the scapes in the jar. Cover tightly and allow to cool to room temperature. Then refrigerate.
  5. Wait approximately 2 weeks to taste so that flavors have a chance to blend. These are refrigerator garlic scape pickles.


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