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Carrot Cilantro Soup

A very simple to make soup. Excellent if you love cilantro. Not fond of cilantro? substitute parsley!

Source: adapted from a recipe found on the www (Entered by Pat Whetham)
Serves: 4 - 6

7 large carrots (4 - 5 cups, sliced)      View Available Products
1/2 sweet onion (medium sized) chopped      View Available Products
3 cloves garlic, minced      View Available Products
1/4 cup water
dash or 2 coriander powder
1 cup finely chopped cilantro

Step by Step Instructions
  1. Slice carrots, put in 3 qt pot and add water to cover. Bring to a boil then reduce to a simmer and cook until very tender (20 minutes or so depending on the size of the carrot pieces.
  2. While carrots are cooking, saute onion and garlic with the coriander powder in 1/4 cup water. Sprinkle with salt and cook until onion is translucent. Lower the temperature and allow to cook until onion is caramelized.
  3. When carrots are done, drain reserving the cooking liquid. Transfer carrots and onion mixture to food processor or blender. Add about 1 cup of reserved cooking water and puree until smooth, adding more cooking water until mixture is the consistency preferred.
  4. Serve immediately topped with the chopped cilantro. Can be cooled and stored in the fridge, then reheated at serving time. Top with cilantro after it is heated.


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