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Basic Basil Pesto

This is a very basic recipe which can be adapted to suit your taste or the occasion.

Source: a multitude of cookbooks and websites. (Entered by Pat Whetham)
Serves: variable. depends on the use

2 cups Basil leaves, washed & dried, packed in cups      View Available Products
3 cloves Garlic      View Available Products
1/4 cup pine nuts
1/2 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese, freshly grated      View Available Products

Step by Step Instructions
  1. Put all ingredients in bowl of a food processor and process until it is as smooth as you like. Store in the fridge for a few days (darkening of the top surface is normal and can be prevented by covering with a layer of olive oil to seal out air), or freeze in ice cube trays or appropriate size containers. Enjoy on pasta, pizza, or as a seasoning for tomato based dishes.


Comments added by fellow market members.

This pesto can be made without garlic or parmesan or pine nuts for a really basic sauce. Or you can substitute other nuts for the pine nuts. Lemon or Lime basil makes a much milder pesto, good for introducing this to pesto newbies.