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Michigan Biodynamc ingredients

Sauerkraut! YUMM! Fermented to perfection, made with Michigan Produce from Both Certified Organic Growers and Growers who grow organically but are not certified.Michigan Organic produce.

Certified Frozen Organic Cucumbers. Vacuumed packed for freshness. The excess 2016 crop was frozen at the end of the season. These cucumbers are great for juicing and gives you that summertime fresh flavor. The excess 2016 crop was frozen at the end of the season. These cucumbers are GREAT for juicing and gives you that summertime fresh flavor. Juice Thaw 1 cucumber. Juice cucumber, lemon and ginger/garlic cloves for a wonderfully fresh and nutritious beverage you can enjoy anytime of the day. Tzatziki Sauce is another use for the frozen cucumbers. Recipe 1 Thaw the cucumber, chop and strain. Use a food processor or hand mix the strained chopped cucumber with 2 cups plain greek yogurt, 1 tbsp lemon juice, 4 cloves pressed garlic, 1/3 cup chopped dill, salt and pepper to taste. Recipe 2 You can also make a juice and add small amounts to the yogurt until you have the consistency you want. I thaw and juice the cucumber, lemon and garlic. If you have fresh dill throw that in the juicer too. Salt to taste and add to your yogurt until you get the consistency you want in your sauce. Add some dried dill to add some color and extra flavor. This sauce is great with lamb and used in gyro sandwiches.